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Hi it's me again do you think you could make a compatibility patch for Yanfly's victory aftermath plugin YEP_VictoryAftermath.js it is one of his free plugins found here  It runs fine with your plugin but after the battle it displays the victory aftermath screen but the colosseum plugin does not recognize that the battle was won so the claim rewards window does not pop up.  I already the script calls to check if it was a victory to unlock the next stage but I had to manually unlock the stage but could never figure out how to get the claim rewards to work. 

Deleted 170 days ago
(3 edits)

Hi there, thank you for your interest in my plugin. Unfortunately, this plugin is not directly compatible with that plugin. I have displayed which plugins it is tested and compatible with under "Compatibility." However, I have gone ahead and tried my best to make a compatibility patch for you anyway, since the plugin in question is available and free to download.

I have now updated the plugin's pro version. Try the latest version, which contains the patch, and let me know if it fixes the problem for you.

Yes, that fixed it thank you so much!

No problem. I'm glad I could help with your project.